- Dark and Light theme.
- Filter on tags.
- Customizable pagination.
- Beautified link sharing in Facebook and other social media.
- Automatic time to read post indicator.
- Automatic RSS feed.
- About page.
- 404 page.
- SEO optimized.
- PageSpeed optimized.
- Cross browser support (supports all modern browsers).
- Media embed for videos.
- Enlarge images on click (like Medium).
- Google Analytics
- Google Fonts
- Disqus
- Ionicons
- Social media links
Used tools
- Autoprefixer
- Bower
- Circle CI
- Html-proofer
- Jekyll
- Jekyll assets
- Jekyll Sitemap
- HTML5 Boilerplate (Influenced by)
- Kickster
- Retina.js
If you haven’t installed the following tools then go ahead and do so (make sure you have Homebrew installed):
brew install ruby
brew install npm
On windows, install Ruby and Node with the installers found here:
Next setup your environment:
Run Jekyll:
bundle exec jekyll serve
Deploy to GitHub Pages
Run this in the root project folder in your console:
You can find more info on how to use the gh-pages branch and a custom domain here.
View this for more info about automated deployment with Circle CI.
If you have any questions about using or configuring Chalk please create an issue here!